I like it when Facebook pushes a memory on me by showing me a post I created a year or two or 5 ago. Sometimes they hit me harder than others. It's not always obvious to see subtle changes from yesterday or last week but if you grab a freeze frame from last year you see a metamorphosis; evolutionin a non theological manner.
Sometimes when I have nothing better to do I wonder what we would do differently today if we could see accurately around the sun a few times into next year? Constant, graphic and bold television advertisements warn of what five years of nicotine and tar can do to a healthy lung and quality of life yet more and more people of all ages suck butt every year. We are continually told to avoid long exposures to the UV rays of the sun because of the aging and carcinogenic tendencies yet we grab the Oakleys and a beach towel to make our way to the coast like a cockroach scatters with a flick of the light switch.
It would be interesting to have an iPhone app that would take your personal stats, habits and interests, filter them through an algorithmic formula that takes into account your level of risks taking, your shoe size, and your zodiac sign to produce a simple index that would precisely and accurately predict who you would be in five years. I know how I would react to that! I would be filtering that equation to create the best "future Dawn" without terminating my favorite bad habits. Like filtering a Craigslist search, I would fine tune that filter to show the best and worse case scenarios. Who am I five years up the road if I walk away from only one of my most harmful vices but start walking up two flights of stairs on the third Tuesday of months with 31 days....mathematically manipulated future me!
What if we had an app where we could snap a selfie and the attach the characters we want to be in five years? By the use of watershed algorithmic concepts, a road map or a Pinterest-like recipe would be generated complete with instructions, warnings, notes, and potential pitfalls to avoid in order to meet the new and improved you five years down the road?
Like this: envision my selfie here!
I would like to be more honest and trustworthy. I think we all could use a little more integrity. I would like to improve my perception of self worth and increase my self esteem and self confidence. I need to improve punctuality and vocabulary while using sarcasm more sparingly. I would like to have better control of my emotions during times when I am angry or nervous or happy. I need to smile more and show more interest in others. I need less procrastination and more just do it. In addition to being a better person I would like to be at least 2 pants sizes smaller with whiter teeth, no sun spots, wrinkles, or gray hairs.
I think I just cracked my iPhone screen. No wait, that was just my selfie cracking.
Truth is we dismiss warnings and advice and good wholesome instructions daily to live in the moment. During this time when many are resolving to live better, healthier and more productive lives think beyond the resolution and see where you want to be five years down the road. Do I want to see growth in my spiritual life? Do I want more friends? A better job? Do I want to feel more accomplished? More valued at home or work or school?
You don't need to Pinterest a recipe for that! Here's a simple suggestion. Write your goals out like a baptist prayer request list, fold it, and put it in your pocket. Carry it with you. Each time you feel that folded piece of paper you will remember the goals you set, the reward for your efforts, and the you that you want to be sooner rather than later. Each time you hand realizes the nearly wadded note you will have to own the moment those goals were important enough to scribble into list formation.
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